Tag: sudo
All the articles with the tag "sudo".
WriteUp Token Of Love - TheHackersLabs
Writeup narrating the exploitation in "Token Of Love," where a hidden clue in IPFS is deciphered to obtain the private key and manipulate the JWT. Vulnerabilities in Node.js are exploited to achieve RCE, and by using sudo with tee and a vulnerability in rsync wildcards, privilege escalation to root is achieved.
WriteUp Matrix - Vulnyx
This writeup documents the exploitation of a vulnerable machine inspired by Matrix, using traffic analysis, PHP injection, and privilege escalation with rsync to gain root access.
WriteUp Securitron - TheHackersLabs
My first CTF created for the thehackerslabs.com platform with an AI model. I hope you enjoy it.
WriteUp Twitx - Vulnyx
CTF dedicated to streamers and content creators who taught me some hacking techniques.